Roller door with steel lamels

Roller door with steel lamels
Very quiet and secure, does not need any maintenance. Customer has the choice of all colors range
of RAL.
By request the door can be provided with a motor and managable by a remote control, an opening
button in the outside of the panel and another button in the inside.
When the roller door is automated by a motor, a security cell in the upper threshold can be
situated and stop the crash with an object while closing.
- Drivers are reinforced by "Omega section" with standard rubber and brush seals which minimize noise and facilitating the movement for smoother performance.
- The box is made of smooth galvanized steel with thickness of 1 millimeter and clean design.
- The locking of the manual roller bars takes place in specially designed pockets.
- The balancing mechanism is filled with drums and springs.
- The finish section - the beam is made of reinforced galvanized steel with thickness of 1.5 millimeters.
- The bottom of the beam is done by specially designed rubber seal covering roughness to 40 mm.
- Only powder-polymer coatings are used, which are adapted to withstand external conditions.
- All products are offered with two years warranty.